Available Guides & Protocols

Below are my eBooks to assist you in your healing journey. Please select a title that interests you to learn more or to download. Be sure to check out the bundles if you are interested in more than one protocol. Blessings on your Journey.

6 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush

An adaptation from the original book by Andreas Moritz, this protocol includes step by step instructions to safely remove hundreds of gallstones from your liver and/or gallbladder as well as liver fluke parasites and their eggs. This will improve alkaline bile flow leading to better digestion and absorption of nutrients.The modifications include using different ingredients to soften the gallstones that are safe for diabetics or people eating a low carb or carnivore diet, and it gives options to double and even triple purge the organs, allowing the individual to complete their liver flushing journey faster than ever before.This process includes several days of consuming food grade malic acid in water to soften the gallstones, a small window of fasting on the last day of the cleanse, and then consuming a mixture of olive oil and citrus to purge out the stones.This protocol should be followed monthly until these organs are clear and there are no stones coming out. Maintenance is required and varies depending upon the individual.The protocol is just a guideline and the amounts of everything used will need to be adjusted depending on where you are at in your healing process.Booking a consultation is recommended so I can assess where you should start and what other protocols would benefit you on your path.

2 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush

The 2 day flush is intended for people who have completed several 6 day liver flushes and are looking for a way to maintain that will not drastically disrupt their schedule. This means there is not a lengthy prep or emptying of the bowels using epsom salt which can keep people stuck in one location.This method should be done by those who have done several liver flushes before, who take supplements regularly that support the liver and gallbladder, who eat a diet high in malic acid, who can easily liquid fast without major die off symptoms, who have experience performing enemas including coffee enemas, who have healthy bowel movements and do not have chronic constipation.Completing the 6 Day Liver Flush is required before attempting this cleanse. Please use that protocol first.Working with me one on one for your first flush is highly recommended for best results. For information on how to work with me click the link below.

14 Day Parasite & Candida Cleanse

This 14 day journey will cleanse your digestive system using pure water and clean eating to prepare you for taking distilled pine gum resin, also known as turpentine. Turpentine has been used throughout the ages to combat parasites, knock out high candida count, alleviate arthritis by dissolving build up in the joints and can be used topically diluted in oils to treat fungus and bacteria.The protocol is just a guideline and the amounts of everything used will need to be adjusted depending on where you are at in your healing process.Booking a consultation is recommended so I can assess where you should start and what other protocols would benefit you on your path.

Enema Guide

This guide can be used in conjunction with both liver flushing and parasite/candida cleanse. while it is highly recommended, it is not necessary for results, particularly for the liver flush. other options are discussed within those protocols.

Castor Oil Pack Tutorial

Castor Oil Packs are used to reduce inflammation and water retention by moving stagnant lymph and improving circulation. they can reduce pain, induce sleep, and detox the liver.This protocol should be used in conjunction with both liver flushing and parasite/candida protocols.

Psyllium Husk Pudding

Psyllium Husk Pudding acts as an intestinal sweep to remove parasites or liver & gallbladder stones during the cleanses, especially if one is fasting. It should NOT be used by people who experience constipation.

Liver Flushing Bundle

This bundle includes all of the Excalibur Healing Liver & Gallbladder Flushing protocols.You will receive the following:✨️6 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush Protocol: to start your journey.✨️2 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush Protocol: for maintenance once you have completed several liver flushes.✨️Enema Guide: can be used during both liver flushing and parasite cleansing and in between protocols to continue detoxing the liver.✨️Psyllium Husk Pudding Recipe: used to sweep the intestines of parasites and gallstones.✨️Castor Oil Pack Tutorial: can be used at any time but is especially helpful during liver flushing protocols.Working with me one and one for at least 1 hour is highly recommended to get you started on the right track. For more information on how to work with me click the link below.

Parasite Cleanse Bundle

This bundle includes all of the Excalibur Healing Parasite & Candida Cleanse protocols.You will receive the following:✨️14 Day Parasite & Candida Cleanse Protocol: can be done before or after your first liver flush.✨️Enema Guide: can be used during both liver flushing and parasite cleansing and in between protocols to continue detoxing the liver.✨️Psyllium Husk Pudding Recipe: used to sweep the intestines of parasites and gallstones.Working with me one and one for at least 1 hour is highly recommended to get you started on the right track. For more information on how to work with me click the link below.

Excalibur Healing Bundle

This bundle includes all of the Excalibur Healing protocols.You will receive the following:✨️6 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush Protocol: to start your journey.✨️2 Day Liver & Gallbladder Flush Protocol: for maintenance once you have completed several liver flushes.✨️14 Day Parasite & Candida Cleanse Protocol: can be done before or after your first liver flush.✨️Enema Guide: can be used during both liver flushing and parasite cleansing and in between protocols to continue detoxing the liver.✨️Psyllium Husk Pudding Recipe: used to sweep the intestines of parasites and gallstones.✨️Castor Oil Pack Tutorial: can be used at any time but is especially helpful during liver flushing protocols.✨️Ancient Root Steaming Guide: an ancient practice using herb infused steam to cleanse the root chakra.Working with me one and one for at least 1 hour is highly recommended to get you started on the right track. For more information on how to work with me click the link below.